by Raven Usher
by Raven Usher
Quick show of hands; How many of you hate the “dating scene?” WOW! I have not seen that many gay hands in the air since the last Cher concert.
It is no secret. Dating sucks. The whole process of meeting someone, trying to find a level of compatibility and then establishing any length of commitment can be absolutely nightmarish. I know this may be hard for the sluts to understand, but most people do not want an endless string of one night stands. Aside from being very unsafe, it just takes way too much energy.
Now imagine... take all the dating woes and turmoils and add the extra obstacle of being transsexual. Think about it. Straight men who are attracted to the way you look, probably will not be happy that you sport the same “package” that he does. A gay man who would enjoy the “package” will not be attracted to the visage you have worked so hard to achieve. Now, to add to the difficulty level, realize that all most men know of transsexuals is what they have learned from porn. It seems a “she-male encounter” is a high prize on a pervert’s score card.
So, what is a transsexual on the boyfriend hunt to do? Visit www.TSGirlfriend.com.
Yes, there are literally hundreds of websites that deal with transsexuals and transsexual issues. I think I have looked at every single one in my research for different articles I have written. Once you filter out the porn, there are plenty of instructional, clinical and retail sites designed to help trannies through their transitions. Most of them offer valuable information. But TSGirlfriend.com is different. All those other websites are pure theory. TSGirlfriend.com is practice.
Up until recently, the only advice a man could get on how to treat TS women was, “Treat her like any other girl.” The problem with that is most men, in general, have no idea how to treat any woman.
TSGirlfriend.com actually shows serious suitors of transsexual women how to meet, talk to, treat, date and form a lasting relationship with the girls they are interested in. It also has advice for the TS lady on how to navigate the choppy waters of dating. With a curriculum that covers everything from meeting a TS woman to asking her out to conduct on a first date, TSGirlfriend.com is the ultimate resource on TS dating for both for men and TS women.
For the person who needs socialization practice, TSGirlfriend.com is equipped with a unique chat room. Since the chat room is not run or maintained by a web server company, the rules of polite socialization can actually be enforced... and they are. There are no “snerts” to cause mayhem. There are no blind instant messages from trolling sex hunters. “How can this be,” you ask? The chat room is monitored 24/7 to keep it from happening.
The passage that caught my attention the most seemed so simple, and yet, spoke volumes to my heart. In the “T-girls as Women; Your T-girl Should be Happy” section, I found this line: “Women, genetic or T-girls, don't think like men. She isn't your buddy, she's your lady. Her mind works differently, and her emotional makeup is different than yours. Bear in mind what's been written here and your life with your lady will be a happy one.” I truly believe that has got to be the single best piece of advice I have ever heard in regards to transsexuality and dating.
I already said it once and you know it is true, my dear reader. Dating sucks. But thanks to MichaelTSG and the website he created and maintains, dating for TS women (and the rare breed of men who enjoy us) has just gotten a lot easier. If you are a T-girl on the dating scene, go check it out. And when you are done, send every man that asks you out to look at it. TSGirlfriend.com is very possibly the answer to the TS dating woes.
Blessed be.
This lady is dead right on how men and women, of any background think. I met my girl purely by chance, and then found she was previously he; Make's no difference as she is still she and need's love and affection, just like everyone else.
I am proud to walk by her side and hope to carry on by her side as her husband soon, When is her choice, she wishe's it, that is more than enough.
Oh and also TsGirlfriend.com is a great and informative site, I have now got more friend's too.
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