$hemale Value$
by Raven Usher
Everyone who says they do not like sex, stand up and tell your lie now!
It is not uncommon for a transperson to get involved in the sex trades in one fashion or another. Being trans can be very expensive. The sex trades are lucrative, paying well above the average American wage. They are easily accessible to clientele. It is easy to find employment. And most importantly, the sex trades are the most accepting and inclusive employment industry in the nation for “shemales.”
I know, so many transpeople do not like that word. They think “shemale” is a dirty word and take offence to it being use to referred to them. My thoughts... get over yourselves. It is just a word.
Finding work in main-stream America can be difficult for transfolk. As I write this, my best friend is at her very first day on her very first job as a woman. It took her six months to find the job. It is part time, the hours suck and the pay is low. And she is excited as hell to have it. I am excited for her.
Her story is not original. So many other trannies have been, or will be, in her shoes. She was lucky enough to be able to survive six months without working. Most Americans can not. Some would have trouble lasting six weeks. That is why shemales turn to the sex industry. We become phone sex workers, nude models, exotic dancers, escorts, porn stars and prostitutes. Some do it because they like it. Some just need a job now. Some do not have any other options.
Most career sex workers actually get a sense of power doing their jobs. The ability to get another person to fork over handfuls of cash in exchange for intimate interactions is a serious ego boost. Think about it. There are literally thousands of people out there in the singles bars trying to give it away for free and the sex workers are getting money for it. So if you think sex workers do it because of low self esteem or that the clients are too ugly to get intimacy any other way, you are dead wrong. Being a sex worker takes a strong will, high self esteem and a thick skin.
Selling sex is the world’s oldest profession. Until recently (in the last three or four hundred years), it was an honorable and respected profession. No man got married without first learning the ropes from a pro. Wives were grateful that there was a place for their husbands to go to slake their lust. Bordellos drew sailors and other travelers by the score to otherwise unknown towns and set the foundation of economic existence for the entire community. All that bleached blonde hair that is so popular today originated in ancient Rome. It was the professional banner of prostitutes.
Before some politically correct nut-job goes off in a tizzy...
No, I am not suggesting that all trannies should go find employment in the sex industry. Quite the opposite, in fact. Most of the transfolk that I know do not have the emotional fortitude to deal with the brutal demands of the trade. Sorry gurls and bois. Be offended if you want to be. But it is the truth. As a group, you have some delicate psyches.
For the ones who can take it, I say look into your options. If you have the body to be on stage, learn to dance with a pole. If the camera likes you, get some lingerie and find a professional photographer. If you like being watched, find a film crew. If you have a voice that melts butter, put your phone to work. Take it to the limit. Go as far as you can safely go without breaking the law. The sex industry actually reveres shemales. They are a rare, exotic and desired commodities that draw in big dollars.
Trans people have value. We have value as human beings. We have value as members of society. We have value as friends and lovers. We have value as parents, siblings, sons and daughters. We have value as employees and wage earners. We have value as the individual survivors of a harsh existence. We have value as a community come together fighting for our right to live. We have the value of our own self worth.
How much are you worth? An unemployment benefit? Minimum wage? A dead-end paycheck?
My life is worth the well being of my children and the love of my wife.
My voice is worth the civil liberties of you all.
My wage is worth $2.00 per minute.
Want the number?
Blessed Be!
by Raven Usher
Everyone who says they do not like sex, stand up and tell your lie now!
It is not uncommon for a transperson to get involved in the sex trades in one fashion or another. Being trans can be very expensive. The sex trades are lucrative, paying well above the average American wage. They are easily accessible to clientele. It is easy to find employment. And most importantly, the sex trades are the most accepting and inclusive employment industry in the nation for “shemales.”
I know, so many transpeople do not like that word. They think “shemale” is a dirty word and take offence to it being use to referred to them. My thoughts... get over yourselves. It is just a word.
Finding work in main-stream America can be difficult for transfolk. As I write this, my best friend is at her very first day on her very first job as a woman. It took her six months to find the job. It is part time, the hours suck and the pay is low. And she is excited as hell to have it. I am excited for her.
Her story is not original. So many other trannies have been, or will be, in her shoes. She was lucky enough to be able to survive six months without working. Most Americans can not. Some would have trouble lasting six weeks. That is why shemales turn to the sex industry. We become phone sex workers, nude models, exotic dancers, escorts, porn stars and prostitutes. Some do it because they like it. Some just need a job now. Some do not have any other options.
Most career sex workers actually get a sense of power doing their jobs. The ability to get another person to fork over handfuls of cash in exchange for intimate interactions is a serious ego boost. Think about it. There are literally thousands of people out there in the singles bars trying to give it away for free and the sex workers are getting money for it. So if you think sex workers do it because of low self esteem or that the clients are too ugly to get intimacy any other way, you are dead wrong. Being a sex worker takes a strong will, high self esteem and a thick skin.
Selling sex is the world’s oldest profession. Until recently (in the last three or four hundred years), it was an honorable and respected profession. No man got married without first learning the ropes from a pro. Wives were grateful that there was a place for their husbands to go to slake their lust. Bordellos drew sailors and other travelers by the score to otherwise unknown towns and set the foundation of economic existence for the entire community. All that bleached blonde hair that is so popular today originated in ancient Rome. It was the professional banner of prostitutes.
Before some politically correct nut-job goes off in a tizzy...
No, I am not suggesting that all trannies should go find employment in the sex industry. Quite the opposite, in fact. Most of the transfolk that I know do not have the emotional fortitude to deal with the brutal demands of the trade. Sorry gurls and bois. Be offended if you want to be. But it is the truth. As a group, you have some delicate psyches.
For the ones who can take it, I say look into your options. If you have the body to be on stage, learn to dance with a pole. If the camera likes you, get some lingerie and find a professional photographer. If you like being watched, find a film crew. If you have a voice that melts butter, put your phone to work. Take it to the limit. Go as far as you can safely go without breaking the law. The sex industry actually reveres shemales. They are a rare, exotic and desired commodities that draw in big dollars.
Trans people have value. We have value as human beings. We have value as members of society. We have value as friends and lovers. We have value as parents, siblings, sons and daughters. We have value as employees and wage earners. We have value as the individual survivors of a harsh existence. We have value as a community come together fighting for our right to live. We have the value of our own self worth.
How much are you worth? An unemployment benefit? Minimum wage? A dead-end paycheck?
My life is worth the well being of my children and the love of my wife.
My voice is worth the civil liberties of you all.
My wage is worth $2.00 per minute.
Want the number?
Blessed Be!
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