Deadly Secrets
By Raven Usher
A good friend of mine made a very big mistake a while ago. It was the kind of mistake that immediately made me ask her if she was OK.
She was diving home from a club late at night. On the way, she stopped and picked up a hitch hiker. As stupid as that was, it was not the mistake that made me fear for her safety.
Before she dropped him off she had sex with him. As stupid as unprotected sex with a stranger is, that was not what made me fear for her safety.
She is a pre-operative male to female transsexual. She had sex with this guy without telling him she has a penis. That is the mistake that made me fear for her very life.
The most common reason that transsexuals get hurt and/or killed is because they did not tell the person they were physically intimate with before hand and that person freaked out after discovering the truth. It is a fact of tranny life. Surprising a sexual partner is life threatening. It is the single most dangerous stupid mistake we can make.
It is not only dangerous for male to female transsexuals. Female to male trannies face the same danger. The violence that took Brandon Teena’s life was so horrifically tragic that it not only made national headlines but her story also became a successful motion picture.
Gwen Araujo was bludgeoned to death by a group of men who had not even gotten into her pants. They freaked out after only receiving oral sex from her. To top it off, the attack that took her life happened days after the sexual encounter when the men found out from a third party that Araujo was transgendered.
What really makes this kind of violence tragic is that it is 100% preventable. It does not have to happen. With the simple act of putting our personal safety ahead of our physical urges we can keep all that danger at bay. Just do not be stupid. Make sure the person (or people) that you plan to have sex with know about you before hand. Do not surprise them.
Have you ever gone to take a drink of what you thought was one thing and gotten something completely different? Maybe you are a coffee drinker and you accidentally got tea in your cup instead. Or maybe what you thought was apple juice turned out to be bourbon. Or maybe the milk was sour and you did not notice until it hit your tongue.
The point is that when you expect one thing and get something totally different it is an unpleasant shock. When a horny, excited straight male is expecting something soft and wet and he gets something hard and long… the potential for a violent reaction is practically guaranteed. If tasting tea instead of coffee is enough to make you spit liquid across the table what kind of reaction do you expect to get from a surprise tallywacker?!
I am ALWAYS appalled at violence targeted at transgendered people based on the sole reason that they are indeed transgendered. But as upset and heartbroken as I get when I read those news stories, part of me cannot help but be a little angry at the transgendered person who does something so appallingly moronic as surprising a sexual partner with the anatomy of a pre-operative transsexual body. I simply can not say it often enough or loud enough. It is stupid. It is stupid. IT IS STUPID!
It is not a political platform. It is not an issue of discrimination. It is simple and basic self preservation! A person who walks through an alligator infested swamp does not have the right to act surprised when a gator clamps down on her leg.
Violence is not acceptable. But neither is it acceptable to plunge yourself headlong into a situation that you know for certain will cause you deadly harm. It is OK to be blonde. Just do not be a dumb blonde!
Blessed Be
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